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They are also helped by Nick Raya - Carmine's daughter. The protagonist is an unnamed character (the user gives him a name and sets his appearance), who has the rank of captain and reports to Thomas Rush, the leader of the squad. Still, Far Cry: New Dawn is well worth going through to witness a sequel to the original game, where the storyline will unfold after the events of Far Cry 5.Įvents unfold in Hope County, where a nuclear explosion occurred 17 years ago. It turns out that an open world with many game items, stealthy murders and healing with first aid kits or automatic regeneration are already outdated and not all fans of the genre will like it.

Unfortunately, critics say, the series has already "exhausted itself". The world looks different, which means that the perception will be unusual.īasically, there is nothing new in the gameplay mechanics. It is very different from that presented in Fallout, Metro and other developments.

The difference is that the user will plunge into the world of the apocalypse, which is shown to be very strange for an ordinary person. The player will have to complete tasks, capture towers and clear outposts. In terms of gameplay, the project is slightly different from Far Cry 5.